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Troubleshooting Google Tag Manager

Enable Preview

Assuming that you setup everything and you need to check if the events trigger are correctly firing as you intended, let’s start with Google Tag Manager and find out if the tags are firing. Navigate to the top right corner and click “Preview

You should then see this box:

We are now on the GTM Debug Mode

You can now go back to site and do a hard refresh(Shift+F5 in Chrome). You see the this window tab below, You will all the Tags Fired on specific page and Tags that doesn’t fired on the page.

You can select event on the upper left-side of the debugger with the default menu “Summary“, “Window Loaded“, “DOM Ready“, “Page View“. Select Page View and check “GA – Pageview – All Pages” under Tags Fired On This Event.

Note: After troubleshooting you need to click “Leave Preview Mode” on Tag Manager Yellow Box.