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How to setup Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics

Setup Google Analytics

You need to setup Google Analytics and get the UA code that will be needed for Google Tag Manager.

Setup Google Tag Manager

Select “Create Account” and fill out the following fields as such:

  • Setup Account
    • Account Name: [Client Name]
    • Share data anonymously with Google and others: unchecked
  • Setup Container
    • Container Name: [Domain]
    • Where to Use Container: Select Web

Click “Create” to create client WorkPlace.

Create a User-Defined Variables

Select Triggers from left-side menu in your Workspace and click “New” under User-Defined Variables, click anywhere on a big panel “Choose a variable type to begin setup…”, choose variable type “Google Analytics Settings” under Utilities. Fill out the following fields as such:

  • Tracking ID: UA-XXXXXXXXX-XX
  • Cookie Domain: auto

Name it “UA-XXXXXXXXX-XX” then Save.

Create a Tag

Select Tags from left-side menu in your Workspace and click “New“, click anywhere on a big panel “Choose a tag type to begin setup…”, choose tag type “Universal Analytics” under Featured. Fill out the following fields as such:

  • Track Type: Page View
  • Tracking ID: Your tracking ID.

Now you need to select triggering click anywhere on a big panel “Choose a trigger to make this tag fire…”, choose a trigger “All Pages

Name it “GA – Pageview – All pages” then Save.

Tools to used:

  • Tag Assistant by Google

To Troubleshoot it if working check on this link.