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Scroll Animation

This extension allows you to add animation effect in the object/element once it is visible to the viewport.

The Element Peek is required for this extension.

Additional Setup

– The “style.animate” is the same file used for Scroll Animation.

wp_enqueue_style('aios-animate', '');

Inline Options

Option Default value Description/Callback signature
data-aios-reveal false This options controls wether to activate or inactivate the binded animation attribute
data-aios-animation fadeIn You can find the list of animation on this link
data-aios-animation-delay 0s This will delay the animation before it runs
data-aios-animation-reset false This will reset the animation when the object/element is not visible in viewport.
data-aios-animation-offset 0.3 Percentage of the height of the viewport that the target element must occupy before being considered visible. A higher value means longer delay before ‘onViewportIn’ is triggered.

Sample Usage

Single Element
<div data-aios-reveal="true" data-aios-animation="fadeIn" data-aios-animation-delay="0s" data-aios-animation-reset="false" data-aios-animation-offset="0.5">
    <!-- Content -->
Group Element
<div data-aios-staggered-parent="true" data-aios-animation-offset="0.5" data-aios-animation-reset="true">
    <div data-aios-staggered-child="true" data-aios-animation="fadeIn" data-aios-animation-delay="0s">
        test 1
    <div data-aios-staggered-child="true" data-aios-animation="fadeInLeft" data-aios-animation-delay="1s">
        test 2
    <div data-aios-staggered-child="true" data-aios-animation="fadeInRight" data-aios-animation-delay="2s">
        test 3
    <div data-aios-staggered-child="true" data-aios-animation="fadeIn" data-aios-animation-delay="3s">
        test 4
    <div data-aios-staggered-child="true" data-aios-animation="fadeIn" data-aios-animation-delay="4s">
        test 5

Basic Implementation

Single Element

Multiple Element