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Google Tag Manager to track Phone Call Clicks

Phone Number Prefix

Make sure you have the phone number hyperlink with “tel:” prefix to it (like <a href=”tel:1.877.317.4111> || <a href=”tel:18773174111> || <a href=”tel:1 877 317 4111>).

Create a Trigger

Select Triggers from left-side menu in your Workspace and click “New“, click anywhere on a big panel “Choose a trigger type to begin setup…”, choose trigger type “Just Links” under Click. Fill out the following fields as such:

  • Wait for Tags: Checked
    • Max wait time: 2000(Default Value)
  • Check Validation: Checked
  • Enable this trigger when all of these conditions are true
    • Variable: Page URL
    • Operator: matches RegEx
    • Value: .*
  • This trigger fires on: Some Link Clicks
    • Variable: Click URL
    • Operator: contains
    • Value: tel:

Name it “Telephone Click” then Save.

Create a Tag

Select Tags from left-side menu in your Workspace and click “New“, click anywhere on a big panel “Choose a tag type to begin setup…”, choose tag type “Universal Analytics” under Featured. Fill out the following fields as such:

  • Track Type: Event
  • Category: Clicks
  • Action: Phone Clicks
  • Label: {{Page URL}}
  • Value: (empty)
  • Non-Interaction Hit: False
  • Google Analytics Settings: {{Variable}} – UA Code of your defined variable

Note: {{Page URL}} this is a pre-defined variable.

Now you need to select triggering click anywhere on a big panel “Choose a trigger to make this tag fire…”, choose a trigger “Telephone Clicks

Name it “GA – Event – Phone Clicks” then Save.