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AIOS Initial Setup Shortcodes Usage


– Return’s the site’s URL


[ai_phone href=”<Telephone Number>”] Preview Text/HTML [/ai_phone]

– The output number will not be clickable on desktop version of the site and will be converted to anchor once visited/switched to mobile view.

– Returns the em formatted phone number URL (e.g. Call 1.800.979.5799 )


  • href – exact phone number details as long as it contains 10 or 11 digits number excluding special characters and spaces
    • +1 (555) 123-4567
    • +1 123 456 7890
    • +1 098.765.4321
    • +1 098-765-TEXT
    • 123 456 7890
    • (555) 123-4567
    • 098.765.4321
    • 098-765-4321
    • 098 765 TEXT

[ai_phone href="1.800.979.5799"]Call 1.800.979.5799[/ai_phone]
Call 1.800.979.5799


– Returns the child theme directory URL



– Returns the parent theme directory URL



– Returns AgentImage credits


  • credits – HTML of the credits
  • renew – true or false, replace the current save credits.
  • seo – true or false, SEO credits.

[agentimage_credits credits="Real Estate Website Design by <a target='_blank' href='' style='text-decoration:underline;font-weight:bold'>Agent Image</a>"]
Real Estate Website Design by Agent Image


– Outputs an alphabetical list of pages in the site

Attributes: Everything supported by the wp_list_pages() function.


– The demo above shows the default output of the sitemap without attribute.

– The next demo will show you the sitemap without the “AIOS Initial Setup Shortcodes Usage” by excluding it using the attribute “exclude“.

[sitemap exclude="178"]


– Outputs a list of pages based on the main site navigation


  • Everything supported by the wp_nav_menu() function
  • submenu – Only display the contents of the submenu under a navigation item [wp_nav_menu submenu=”-ID OF PARENT MENU-“] – this will show the submenu under parent menu.



– Set Dynamic Year



– Obfuscates an email address to help reduce spam


  • email – email address to obfuscate
  • class – custom class of the anchor tag

[mail_to email="[email protected]"][email protected][/mail_to]


– Default video placeholder for AI sites


  • width – width of video
  • height – height of video

[agentimage_video width="560" height="315"]


– Iframe asynchronous load.


  • width – width of iframe
  • height – height of iframe
  • id – id of iframe
  • class – class of iframe
  • additional – additional attribute for the iframe( i.e. additional=”frameborder=0 sandbox=allow-forms scrolling=yes” )

[iframe_async src="" width="800" height="400"]


– Adds a mortgage calculator any page or widget.


  • years – loan duration
  • interest – interest rate
  • tax – annual property tax
  • insurance – annual insurance

[aios-mortgage-calculator years="5" interest="5.5" tax="10" insurance="500"]

Owning a home is a great investment and it is key to plan your mortgage payments ahead of time. Calculate your monthly mortgage using our free calculator below.

Required fields are marked*
Monthly Principal + Interest:
Monthly Tax:
Monthly Insurance:
Total Payment:

DISCLAIMER: The information found in these calculators are to be used as a guide and is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. Please schedule an appointment today to find out more information about your loan.