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AI Lazy Load

This extension allows you load the image assets on demand/asynchronously in a canvas element.

The Element Peek is required for this extension.

Additional Setup

– The “style.animate” is the same file used for Scroll Animation.

wp_enqueue_style('jquery-elementpeek-style', '');

Inline Options

– A canvas/img object with a class of “ai-lazy” will be automatically binded to aiLazy with it’s default values.

img tag should have default src=”” attribute to prevent validator issue.

– The object image source should be link to data-src=””

Option Default value Description/Callback signature
data-class This option will add additional class in object.
You can add two or more classes
data-animation fadeIn You can find the list of animation on this link
data-offset 0.3 Percentage of the height of the viewport that the target element must occupy before being considered visible. A higher value means longer delay before ‘onViewportIn’ is triggered.

Sample Usage

<canvas class="ai-lazy" width="500" height="400" data-src="" data-class="custom-class-1" data-animation="fadeInUp" data-offset="0.5"></canvas>

<img src="" class="ai-lazy" width="500" height="400" data-src="" data-class="custom-class-1" data-animation="fadeInUp" data-offset="0.5"/>

Inline – Basic Implementation

Canvas Tag


Script Implementation

img tag should have default src=”” attribute to prevent validator issue.

– The object image source should be link to data-src=””

Option Default value Description/Callback signature
class This option will add additional class in object.
You can add two or more classes
animation fadeIn You can find the list of animation on this link
peekAmount 0.3 Percentage of the height of the viewport that the target element must occupy before being considered visible. A higher value means longer delay before ‘onViewportIn’ is triggered.

Sample Usage

	class: "my-new-class",
	animation: "fadeInUp",
	peekAmount: "0.5",

Script – Basic Implementation